Saturday 7 January 2012

Dbol Only Cycle Blue Hearts Body Research

Sorry guys has been a while since my last post but I have been super busy what with working out, training others and starting another business!

Back to the point though, here we are in Dbol land. I have been training a guy he is 27 years old he has been training off and on mostly on but without any real plan for the last 7 years, he hasn't put on much muscle changed his physique dramatically. He came to me for gear of course................ So I gave him some advice and he listened. I am happy to say he has been training intensely for the last 14 months now, has taken his diet seriously and we have seen him grow some pretty impressive muscles, he has no aim ti be a Mr Universe......more likes to impress the ladies on the beach if you get my drift.
 So first cycle scared of needles..........we all know the story right?

I have been using Mick Hart's cycle for Dboler's and with great results. It basically starts of with a lower dose builds up and drops back down again and uses Nolvaldex /tamifloxen to combat side effects. I have added a few extras. We used the Blue Hearts made by Body Research.............which it seems are not really made by Body Research anymore, but another UGL.........I had these tested and that came back good and bought a whole lot of them :)

The cycle looks like this;

Wk.1. 15mg each day
Wk.2. 25mg ED
Wk.3. 40mg ED
Wk.4. 50mg ED
Wk.5. 50mg Ed
Wk.6. 40mg ED
Wk.7. 25mg ED
Wk.8. 15mg ED

Now he also recommends 10mg of Nolvadex a day, I have added 25mg of proviron to this and increase it to 50mg at wk 4 until wk 8 and then down to 25 a day for the next 4 weeks and keep the Nolvaldex going for 4 weeks as well. This defintiely keeps any sides at bay, so no pointy nipples  (Dbol is very powerful stuff) but it also helps reduce water retention, which I think helps give a better look.

With this cycle and his diet and training our un-named man was able to put on 5.2 kg! Pretty good for a first cycle. How much can he keep, well it has been 8 weeks since his last Dbol and he has since added another 800g. His weight did drop by a small amount of about 300g about 2 weeks after stopping the Dbol but was quickly put back on again.

During this we carefully took photographs to document his progress and of course he liked the idea of showing off his muscles online.............But my damn computer had a hard drive failure and all was lost (another reason I haven't been online much lately). But all in all a good little exercise and of course he is supper happy. The true test of how well he keeps his gains will be at the end of the next month, but I think it looks good and he is already planning his next cycle in 6 months time..........this time he will be taking the plunge and stacking Test E with Anavar............Funny huh? So many of us start at Dbol with needle phobia, get some results and the needle phobia just disappears........

For quotes and prices on these products please email me at