Friday 9 December 2011

Dbol only cycle Dosage & PCT

Dbol is a good first cycle, it's oral and less intimidating than injecting and it packs on huge muscle fast as well as giving you extra strength and enhanced feeling of well being.

You should already be training hard and be looking for something extra to boost your workout and physique. You should already have your diet sorted out. Also a good idea to have looked after your liver as oral steroids do put pressure on your liver. This can be as simple as taking milk thistle as the package recommends for a few months prior and after your cycle. There are also liver cleansing foods that would be smart to add to your diet.

Start off at 10mg a day 1in the morning and 1 at dinner, for 1 week to check that you do not react badly to the steroid. If your source is dubious this could be wise. Then increase to 30-40mg a day I like to do 2x 10mg tabs after breakfast with 25mg of provironum and a multi vitamin then 1x10mg at lunch with fish oil and glucosamine and another 1x10mg tab at dinner with calcium and vitamin D, multivitamin (bodybuilder and weight lifter's should double dose on vitamins)and another 25mg of provironum it's a lot of pills but the effects are great. 

I like to taper off the dose from 40mg each day to 20mg a day for a week to 10mg a day for the following week and then start you PCT. For PCT week 1 of PCT I do 50mg provironum and 40mg Nolvadex each day fir a week then drop the provironum to 25mg and the nolvadex to 20mg for week 2. Then 20mg a day nolvadex week 3 and 4. At the same time I will start to take zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 as directed on the bottle. This will help you to boost your own natural testosterone I run the vitamins with a liver support for 3 months. Then take 1 month of all pills except fish oil and I do a bowel cleanse. 

The second stage to the PCT is to TRAIN well and with intensity...............this can be quite hard as your Dbol pumps and strength have gone, you will need to train a shorter time and will take longer to recover but you must keep up the intensity. Also very important to keep a high clean calorie intake during this period..........If you do not train with intensity and diet well you may loose some of your gains. Pills alone is not PCT.

Thursday 1 December 2011

FDA Approved Human Grade Steroids For Sale

What are you actually injecting in to your boday? How can you be sure what has arrived in the post is what you actually wanted? And how can you trust its cleanliness and acurate dosage when so many of todays steroids are produced illegally in undgeround labs?

Unigen life sciences Ltd. produce TFDA approved human grade steroids. They are professiolnally prodcued in a real laboratory by qualifeid scientists and manufactures to strict standards. Dosage is acurate and counterfiting is minmal as each product has a unique code to be matched to the officail website.

excerpt from unigen web site


At ULS, we use only quality raw material manufactured to United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) or British Pharmacopoeia (BP) standards. An organisation’s capabilities and intent are strongly reflected in the products it manufactures. In other words, the manufacturing competencies and facilities echo truly, the R&D extent and the ability to implement it for the best of the market it targets.

From procurement of raw materials to packaging of finished product, our QC, quality control team oversees every step of the manufacturing process. We are proud of our Quality Assurance team that verifies the safety and purity of our products as per GMP and pharmacopoeia standards. Every batch ULS produces comes with not only the standard Certificate of Analysis (COA), but is also regularly analyzed by independent third-party laboratories for verification of both potency and purity.

Our exceptional products are manufactured in our Current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility to ensure optimal quality. ULS also complies with ISO 9001 regulations to ensure that all facets of our operations adhere to the highest quality standards. We regularly review our individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness, and strive for continuous improvement.

The manufacturing staffs at ULS have over forty years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. The comprehensive expertise of our research and development team together with the scientific expertise and hands-on experience of our innovative chemists and industrial pharmacists places ULS at the forefront of the life-enhancement related industry.

Unigen Life Sciences Ltd., is a privately owned company. Established in 2001, Unigen Life Sciences is a research-based bio-pharmaceutical and biotechnology company dedicated to developing, manufacturing, and marketing lifestyle enhancement and rejuvenation products. Unigen Life Sciences’ portfolio also includes an extensive product line created to assist in the treatment of infertility, hypogonadisim and HIV management. We utilize various drug delivery technologies, including controlled release, trans-dermal, oral and injectable delivery systems. The Unigen Life Sciences brand has enjoyed a growing presence in the Asian region over the past seven year by pursuing a multi-layered growth strategy and strategic alliances with well-established partners.

With offices based regionally throughout Southeast Asia, we at Unigen Life Sciences are committed to ensuring we deliver the value and quality of products our patients and customers have come to expect. We are focused on continuously improving the way we do business.

Unigen Life Sciences is dedicated to addressing the need to establish and maintain optimal health by conducting research and development on quality rejuvenation products. We believe in providing quality products delivered in conjunction with impeccable service. By continuously developing our product range, our goal is to achieve a complete synergistic strategy to meet the needs of our customers and patients with quality products at affordable prices.

Unigen Life Sciences, in collaboration with several regulatory firms and multinational pharmaceutical distributors in the region, aims to further develop Southeast Asia and the South American markets to register and distribute the complete range of Unigen Life Sciences’ products to hospitals, clinics and wellness centres.

The Unigen Life Sciences foundation is built on our unwavering commitment to quality, value, and customer satisfaction. The extensive industry knowledge of our research and development team and our expert technicians, combined with practical product-hands-on experience, allows us to ensure that our products re foremost in the anti-aging field.

For quotes and prices on these products please email me at

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Dbol Only Cycle

The cycle that so many have started on, that many attribute their mass to and that many others consider useless. Dbol is without a doubt a hugely powerful anabolic. This is a fact. Anadrol is perhaps more powerful than Dbol but Anadrol is even more liver toxic and is less popular due to its harsh side effects. Legendary BodyBuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger used Dbol.

This cost effective steroid is popular because it is so powerful. Dbol can pack  considerable mass on to a user very quickly. Dbol will also make you feel amazingly good, your good mood will increase, your sex drive will increase which means both your sexual appetite and your ability to perform and importantly your strength and stamina will increase dramatically.

Dbol is the most popular oral bulking steroid available for all these reasons. Dbol can be stacked very successfully with many other steroids. When stacking only ever use one oral never stack two oral steroids (the exception is provironum ). One of the most common and successful stacks once again made famous in the days of Arnold is the Dbol and Decca stack these two hugely powerful steroids produce massive gains in strength and muscle mass when used together. But Dbol can be stacked with pretty much any injectable steroid.

Dbol only cycles have a uneven reputation on steroid forums, especially American based forums, whilst the Dbol only cycle gets good reviews throughout Europe and Australia. The common negative myth surrounding Dbol is that whilst you will make impressive gains in a short time you will "loose: those gains within the weeks you stop taking Dbol. There are reasons for these comments, but first let me repeat. Dbol is hugely anabolic and produces large gains. Any muscle mass achieved from any cycle is MUCLE MASS and will not just disappear without reason.
So why does such a popular anabolic with such proven results have this reputation. Some answers are; As a popular first choice for those looking to use steroids Dbol can be used incorrectly. Often first time users do not research or understand PCT to the needed extent. Often first time users do not have their training and diet programs suited correctly or adhere to them as needed. These are two huge factors that can mean you will lose your gains.................albeit on or after any cycle. Also Dbol can produce a lot of water retention in some people. This can be easily overcome by taking Provironum at about 50mg every day and also by adding electrolyte drinks in to your diet. So this could explain why some have had muscle loss after stopping Dbol. Lastly many people will take Dbol every day for 6 weeks and then just stop! This means the amazing strength just stops too, as does the great mood and extra sexual health, leaving you having a demotivated gym session as soon as you stop this would be the most significant reason people lose their gains. I know I experienced this on my first cycle. The best way around this is to taper the dosage off.

For a first time user many find a dose of 20-40 mg everyday split throughout the day will produce dramatic increases. It is not recommended to take this for longer than 6 weeks. What I suggest is to start at 10mg for 5 days and let your body adjust as well as see how you will react, allergies etc. Then increase to 30mg 1 tab in the morning with breakfast, 1 with your protein/carb meal 1 hour before training and the last with dinner. Take this for 5-6 weeks then decrease by 50% for 5 days and then take 5mg a day in the morning for 5 days after so as to bring your body down slowly. But most importantly so as to keep you in the gym training hard the whole way through. The most important part of Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is to remain training intensively after your cycle. You must also eat at least 4,000 calories per day (more is better). I would suggest you also look to natural testosterone boosters like zinc, ZMA and tribulus terrestis. Getting vitamins like the B group will help maintain a good mood and strength. Taking 1000mg of vitamin C will give you an energy boost before your workout and caffeine will help to bring out the animal in you.